HVAC Building Energy Modelling with BIM Energy Renovation

BIM Energy Renovation provides user-friendly tools for HVAC building energy modelling, configuring heating, ventilation, cooling, and solar systems to enhance energy efficiency in buildings.

Firstly, our intuitive interface, combined with a comprehensive Catalog of predefined items simplifies and speed up the HVAC building energy modelling workflows. Secondly, advanced options enable more precise configurations to optimise HVAC energy performance. Additionally, the workflow supports many options for HVAC systems, including both traditional and modern methods, which can easily be tailored to the building’s specific requirements.

Whether you are looking for quick default settings or detailed advanced configurations, our HVAC modules caters to all levels of expertise. The workflow ensures every aspect of HVAC systems are optimised for maximum energy performance and comfort.

Easy HVAC Configuration

For users seeking a straightforward approach, BIM Energy Renovation provides default HVAC settings to simplify the entire process. Preconfigured options ensure that even those with minimal experience can achieve optimal energy performance with minimal effort.

Access the default HVAC settings from the Building module, and select options for the heating, cooling, usage and ventilation. Default values will automatically be set up for each aspect. The default options can be refined and customised later on in the specific HVAC modules.

Renovation Features: Project

Advanced HVAC Building Energy Modelling Configuration

For HVAC installation specialists and advanced HVAC building energy modelling users, BIM Energy Renovation offers comprehensive tools and settings to customise every aspect of the HVAC systems. This advanced route provides the flexibility to fine-tune configurations and optimise energy performance to meet specific project needs.

Usage Settings

The “Usage” tab provides detailed control over building operations. Specify heating and cooling setpoints, human heat gain, process energy, hot tap water use, and moisture production. Use pre-defined templates or create custom schedules tailored to your project’s needs.

HVAC Building Energy Modelling - Usage Settings

Heating Systems

  • Heating Options: Select from three primary heat sources: Electric, Waterborne, and Heat Pumps. Cater to both traditional and modern heating systems.

  • Hot Tap Water: Configure hot tap water systems. Set temperatures for cold and hot water, calculate heat recovery, and manage internal and external heat loss from pipes.

  • Heat Pumps: Access an extensive library of heat pumps from well-known manufacturers like Bosch, CTC, Daikin, IVTNIBE and Thermia. Support efficient system design and implementation.

  • Heating Controls: Regulate temperatures using room sensors or outdoor temperature sensors for precise control.

  • Geothermal Systems: Integrate geothermal heat pumps to utilise the earth’s natural heat for sustainable heating.

  • Heat Supply Efficiency: Define and optimise the efficiency of heat supply systems, crucial for calculating energy performance.

HVAC Building Energy Modelling - Heat Pump Settings

Ventilation Systems

HVAC Building Energy Modelling - Ventilation Settings
  • High-Performance Ventilation: Implement systems like FTX for high energy performance and effective heat recovery. Optimise energy usage and indoor air quality.

  • Outdoor Air Intakes: Automatically add outdoor air intakes for balanced air supply throughout the building.

  • Ventilation Flow Adjustments: Adjust ventilation flows based on outdoor temperature to ensure optimal efficiency.

  • Ventilation Fan Settings: Calculate fan electricity use based on fan pressure and efficiency.

  • Heat Exchanger Efficiency: Define energy efficiency to recycle extract air, maintaining indoor temperatures while conserving energy.

Cooling Systems

  • Cooling Options: Choose passive, district, or mechanical cooling to meet building needs.

  • Cooling Power Limits: Ensure room temperatures stay within desired levels by specifying limits for cooling power.

  • Relative Humidity Control: Manage room air humidity to prevent condensation and ensure comfort.

  • Circulation Pump Power: Specify electrical energy use for pumps and fans connected to cooling supply.

  • Geothermal and Free Cooling: Utilise geothermal energy and free cooling methods to reduce mechanical cooling needs.

HVAC Building Energy Modelling - Cooling Settings

Solar Panels

HVAC Building Energy Modelling - Solar Panels
  • Photovoltaic Panels: Add photovoltaic panels to generate solar power. Use it instantly, store it, or export it to the grid.

  • Electric Heating: Integrate solar electricity to meet heating demands in buildings with electric heating.

  • Solar Panel Settings: Define size, area, rotation, and tilt of panels. Account for shading to ensure accurate energy modelling.

  • Efficiency and Performance: Configure photovoltaic cell efficiency to see how it affects solar power conversion.

  • Battery Storage: Specify battery capacity to store generated solar power for later use.

HVAC Building Energy Modelling Benefits with BIM Energy Renovation

BIM Energy Renovation offers unparalleled flexibility and precision in configuring HVAC systems, which is essential for achieving maximum energy performance in modern buildings. Customise heating, ventilation, and cooling systems that not only meet the specific needs of each project but also minimise environmental impact and optimise energy usage. By leveraging our software, you can ensure that your HVAC systems not only meet industry standards but also exceed client expectations.

  • Efficient Workflows: Streamline your design process with user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive tools, reducing time spent on configurations and allowing for faster project completion.

  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Achieve substantial energy savings and reduce operational costs with optimised HVAC systems, ensuring more competitive project proposals.

  • Sustainability: Minimise environmental impact by utilising renewable energy sources like solar and geothermal, and optimising energy usage across HVAC systems, enhancing your reputation for green building solutions.

  • Accurate and Reliable Results: Leverage precise control and advanced settings to ensure your HVAC designs are accurate and reliable, meeting industry standards and client expectations.

  • Client Satisfaction: Deliver superior indoor air quality and comfort for building occupants, enhancing client satisfaction and increasing your business opportunities.

Explore the next module: Reports

In today’s data-driven world, having clear, comprehensive reports on your building’s energy performance is crucial. Our Reports module transforms complex energy data into easily understandable and actionable insights, enabling you to make informed decisions and share results effectively with stakeholders. Continue your journey with BIM Energy Renovation by exploring the Reports module.

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