Release notes
- Get an overview of the buildings in your property portfolio (see energy class, energy performance, pay off time) by displaying them in the new Dashboard workspace.
- Create multiple projects simultaneously using the new Mass Upload feature. Enter the input data for the current buildings in the BIM Energy format (see manual), upload the file, and then projects with the buildings will be created automatically.
Both Evaluation and Renovation
- Multi-zone calculation is now released as a Beta version
- Choose to specify detailed energy prices per month for heating and electricity in the Compare step
Input for CO2 impact from the building’s energy use is enabled in the Compare-step
Select several building objects and merge them into one building in Model from map
Both Evaluation and Renovation
See the building’s energy class according to BBR29 (for project’s in Sweden)
Create alternative of the active building from every step in the workflow via the top menu bar
Select if the peak heating is electric or not when adding heat pump in a building in the Heating step. This affects weight factors in the Standard-step
- The check boxes associated with Electric heating have been relocated from the Heating step to the Solar panels step, since they impact the utilization of electricity generated from the solar panels
Use the updated map tool to automatically generate the building’s dimensions based on the map, speeding up the process when working with existing buildings
The workflow for creating alternatives of a building has been updated, making it easier to compare the savings from various measures within a building. The user adds one or more measures from a list of common energy efficiency measures. When the building is created, the input data is automatically updated for each added measure
Both Evaluation and Renovation
Search for the building’s address with the new Search functionality to easily find the building’s location on the map
Create folders in the Project step to organize your projects in a convenient manner
The feature that divides the building’s slab on grade area into two parts based on the impact of transmission has been improved
As a complement to the Pay off for evaluating profitability in Compare, indata and calculation of Net present value is available for the scenarios
Photovoltaic power which is exported to the grid is classified as a saving in the calculation of pay off and net present value
The indata dialogue for Detailed glazing edit when creating a new building is wider to make it easier to edit the glazing on facades with different rotations
Both Evaluation and Renovation
The indata dialogue when selecting location in Project is re-structured. To guide the user, Sweden or Other is selected before the final climate file is decided
It is possible to create a unique copy of a project to reuse indata between projects
Buildings with solar panels can use electricity from the panels for the electric heat supply
Export to the grid is activated by default when solar panels are added to a building
- SFP for the ventilation units is presented as an indicator
- The pie charts presenting the Emitted and Supplied energy can be shown in percent instead of kWh
- If the language in the application is changed, the name of the items in the BIM Energy default catalog will automatically be translated
Updates in the Report-step:
- The U-value for building components with any of the types slab on grade, basement wall or basement floor, is presented including the ground’s heat resistance
- The energy post Heat losses from pipes is presented in the table Specification of energy supply
- The building’s location placed on the map can be included
- The user can manually select which indicators to present in the Compare step
- The indicator Primary energy number can be presented in the Compare step
- The climate files for the time period 1991-2020 can be selected for 310 cities in Sweden
- Calculation of Energy saving cost for the scenarios have been added to the Compare-step
- Usage can be inserted as yearly energy (kWh/m2/year) instead of hourly (W/m2)
- Geographical adjustment factor in the Standard-step can be selected from a list of Swedish municipalities instead of inserted manually
- Comments about the calculation can be added to the report by the user
- In Edit glazing, the facade which currently is being edited is highlighted in the 3D-model
- Properties of the construction can be edited from the Proxy-step
- VIP-Export has been removed
- New functionality for sharing project between users
- Calculation of pay off for the scenarios has been added to the compare step
- Company logo can be added to the printed report
- Emitted and supplied energy are new categories in ‘Add report content’ in the report step
- Pie charts with representation of indicators can be added to the printed report
- Possibility to copy catalog items from an existing catalog to an active project
- Swedish climate files for 2020 and 2021 are available
- The grid in ’Edit floor plan’ is adjusted depending on the selected snap interval
- Text descriptions have been added to the application to help the user
- New instructional film about the Proxy function is available among the other instructional films
- The user gets full flexibility to define the building components by activating Proxy-data for the building to manually define the input
- Define area/length/volume as a matematical expression
- Possibility to automatically subtract the window area from exterior wall area to ease the input when defining the building components
- New step in the workflow, Standard, to compare the calculation result to the permitted levels in the Swedish Boverket’s building resultations (BBR) (primary energy number EP_pet, average U_value, installed electric input for heating)
- Primary energy number as indicator
- ‘Energy performance’ as new key value and presentation in the report
- Possible to include heat recovery from waste water to pre-heat tap water
- Average value of the schedule for ‘Usage’ and ‘Ventilation’ is presented to give a quick overview of the indata
- New functionality for ‘Interior walls’ to include the heat capacity of interior walls in the calculation
- New functionality ‘Compound material’ for calculating the material properties for a material with both thermal insulation and studs
- Add ‘Solar panels’ in the calculation and use the solar power for electricity supply
- Possibility to add ‘Outdoor air intakes’ on the fasades to provide the building with outdoor air and keep the underpressure at a reasonably low level in buildings with exhaust air ventilation
- New keyword ‘Internal air pressure’
- Activated result indicators are saved on the user
- Added report content for material properties, constructions and building components
- New step in the workflow ‘Compare’ – A comparison of the heat and electricity supply between building altertntives in a project is generated
- Peak power heating and electricity is added as Key values
- Use air-tight interior floors in the modeling of the building
- The module Catalog with the possibility to define new catalogs to use in projects
- To examine the result in Excel, it is now possible to export the result to text file
- Schedule for usage and ventilation flows are included in the report seption
- Possibility to adjust the value for heated floor area generated from the 3D model
- Impact from thermal bridges are added to the calculation when including basement in the building
- New heat pumps from Bosch, IVT and Nibe are added to the default catalog
- Windows with constant solar shading are added to the default catalog
- Windows can be added to the calculation both as share of facade (%) and area (m2)
- Possible to use ‘Default time’ instead of weekday when generating schemes for usage and Ventilation
- Generating schemes for usage and ventilation are greatly improved with respect to speed and ease of use
- Choose from one day to another when generating schemes, and ‘Hour to/from’ is replaced with ‘Start time/End time’ (time)
- How the schemes are varying over the year is shown under ‘Details’. Possible to view a certain week.
- Tutorials of the workflow are accessible within the application
- Snap interval 0.5m in ‘Edit floor plan’
- Possibility to change the construction of separate building parts with ‘Change building parts’
- Copy the scheme from supply air to exhaust air and vice versa
- English version available
- Add several air handling units with different properties and air flow schemes
- Function ‘’Export to VIP-Energy’. The area of the buildings parts and their constructions are exported and can be opened in VIP-Energy
- Climate files for 2018 and 2019 from Sveby/SMHI are available
- ’Copy’ is added in the name of a construction when a copy is created in the catalog
- Possible to create an alternative of a typology, usage template and ventilation system by using ‘Create alternative’- ‘Alternative’ will be added in the name of the new created building
- Possibility to add a lowest exhaust air temperature for exhaust air heat pumps
- Air flow unit l/s is added
- Exhaust air temperature and room temperature are added as indicators and can now be included in diagrammes in the report
- Include basement in the building
- Connect a geothermal rock heat pump to heat recovery from the exhaust air instead of to a ground source collector
- Share building with access to write with another user
- How many hours the heat pump has been out of order due to high/low temperature is printed out
- New section in the report: ‘Surrounding conditions’, ‘Building’, ‘Heat supply’, ‘Cooling’ and ‘Specification of energy supply’
- New indicators in the categories ‘Electricity’ and ‘Process energy’