Building Energy Analysis Reports with BIM Energy Renovation

In today’s data-driven world, having clear, comprehensive reports on your building’s energy performance is crucial. Our Reports module transforms complex energy data into understandable and actionable insights, enabling you to make informed decisions and easily share results with stakeholders.

After creating a “base” model with BIM Energy Renovation, use the Reports module to analyse the initial energy performance, identify inefficiencies, and  opportunities for improvement. Our user-friendly interface ensures that energy data is presented clearly, facilitating communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders.

Beyond the initial analysis, the Reports module supports continuous monitoring and optimisation. Generate detailed reports to track energy performance over time, use the Compare module to energy saving scenarios to test potential improvements, and compare before-and-after results to showcase the impact of your interventions. This iterative approach helps maintain optimal energy efficiency and demonstrates progress to stakeholders effectively.

Comprehensive Building Energy Analysis Reports

  • Energy Balance: View detailed breakdowns of emitted and supplied energy, helping you understand the balance and efficiency of your building’s energy use.

  • Primary Energy Number: Assess the primary energy consumption per square meter, ensuring compliance with local regulations.

  • Transmission and Infiltration Analysis: Identify energy losses through transmission and infiltration to enhance building performance.

  • Heat and Ventilation Recovery: Assess the effectiveness of heat and ventilation recovery systems in reducing energy consumption.

  • Energy Class Ratings: Quickly determine the building’s energy class from A to G, according to the latest Swedish BBR 29 standards,

Detailed HVAC and Climate Data

  • Heating and Cooling Systems: Analyse the performance of heat pumps, cooling machines, and other HVAC components.

  • Ventilation and Air Quality: Monitor supply and exhaust air fans, ensuring optimal indoor air quality and system efficiency.

  • Climate Indicators: Access detailed climate data including outdoor temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity to understand environmental impacts.

  • Operational Schedules: Analyse schedules for HVAC operations to match building usage patterns and optimise energy use.

Customisable Reports

  • Indicators and Timelines: Choose from various Indicators such as heat supply, cooling, electricity, solar etc. and tailor your reports. Select Timelines to create graphs showing how indicators vary over the year with advanced options to choose the time resolution with dynamic values (monthly, weekly, daily and hourly).

  • Dynamic Data: Generate detailed reports with dynamic time intervals (monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly) for more in-depth analysis.

  • Graphical Representation: Create timelines, scatter plots, and pie charts to visually interpret the energy performance data.

  • Add and Modify Content: Easily customise report sections, add comments, and specify headings for a tailored and professional building energy analysis report.

Easy Report Export and Sharing Options

  • Light and Advanced Printing Options: Choose between basic and advanced report printing options to include only the necessary sections, making your reports more focused and relevant to different stakeholders.

  • Company Logotype and Comments: Personalise reports with your company’s logotype and add comments for context and clarity.

  • Export Data: Seamlessly export data to text files for further analysis in Excel, enabling deeper insights.

  • PDF Printing: Print reports as PDFs for easy sharing with stakeholders and for maintaining records.

Standards Compliance and Adjustments

  • BBR Standards Integration: Automatically integrate Swedish BBR standards, ensuring your reports meet regulatory requirements.

  • Geographical Adjustments: Adjust reports based on the building’s geographical location for accurate energy performance analysis.

  • Weight Factors and Heating Settings: Customise weight factors and designed heating settings for precise calculations.

Building Energy Analysis Reports: Summary and Benefits

The BIM Energy Renovation Reports module is an essential part of the process for analysing and optimising building energy performance. By transforming complex data into clear, actionable insights, it empowers you to identify inefficiencies, track improvements, and ensure regulatory compliance. The customisable and user-friendly interface allows for detailed, tailored reports that facilitate communication and collaboration among stakeholders. With comprehensive energy analysis, detailed HVAC and climate data, flexible report options, and robust standards compliance, the Reports module is designed to support sustainable building management and drive your projects toward greater efficiency and performance.

  • Optimisation Opportunities: Identify inefficiencies and opportunities for energy performance improvements.

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitate communication and collaboration with clear, detailed reports.

  • Actionable Insights: Transform complex data into clear, actionable insights to drive informed decision-making.

  • Customisable Reports: Tailor reports to meet the specific needs of your project and stakeholders.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with local energy standards and regulations.

Explore the next module: Compare

Continue your journey with BIM Energy Renovation by exploring the Compare module.

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